
This site has been created as a way for family, friends, supporters, strangers and anyone else that would like to help support Shawn and Brad and Recycled Lives transition their home from Minnesota to Guatemala.  There will be prayer requests, financial requests, house warming gift opportunities, and general updates on this wonderful and exciting transition for Recycled Lives and Brad and Shawn.  Home is where the heart is and for RL and Brad and Shawn, God has called them to start a “home” in Guatemala where they can live out their call as missionaries and the Executive Director of Recycled Lives.

We are glad you found us here and pray that God will or has laid it on your heart to give generously in whatever way that you can.   The big move will take place the first of October 2016 so we have less than five months to shower Brad and Shawn with blessings, well wishes and house warming gifts!

Click on the tab that you want more information about.  Be sure to visit and follow Recycled Lives on Facebook and the website http://www.recycledlives.org

Join Recycled Lives mailing list for updates.  Type “Subscribe” in the comment section below and Submit.

Here is a short video that takes you on a tour of the Guatemala home.

Watch Now